EnvironmentalAssessment.com – Environmental Assessments are complete for each and every transaction involving commercial or industrial real estate, making this exact match domain name a real category killer for any associated business
FranklinLLC.com – There are many existing business that would probably like to shorten their domain name to this one.
Collecting.space – A terrific one word new gTLD in the dot space realm. Collecting space is a common phase and has many potential uses!
TravelingTo.space – An awesome new gTLD domain name in the dot space realm. Traveling to space may someday be the norm and this name will surely be in the middle of it all.
Domaining.space – Domaining is getting more popular everyday, as you can see here. Get in on the action quickly with this keyword domain name in the new gTLD .space
Conserving.space – A terrific one word new gTLD domain name that would be perfect for a custom closet company, a garage organization company or other company that conserves space.
Taking.space – I can think of a lot of different things you could do with this one word new gTLD and I look forward to what it eventually becomes.