Domaining Blog

I am not a blogger at heart, but since I have learned the majority of what I know from others, I feel compelled to share what I think I know, so that others may also learn and share. I had made it a goal to add a post about what I have learned domaining at least once a month, and I failed miserably!  However, I did write some interesting articles way back when, many of which appeared at (then known as HybridDomainer) and the links below will take you there.  Keep in mind, some of them are irrelevant today!

Anyway, thanks for visiting and hopefully you’ll find something here worth reading and sharing. If you do learn something new, please utilize the social buttons I have here and share with others, because that is what it is all about.

Also be sure to follow me on Twitter @vinsdomainscom or link with me on Linked-In Vincent L. Jacques, P.E.

A Couple of GoDaddy/Afternic Glitches

Why I Didn’t Go To NamesCon

Newbie Domaining Series

Going Above and Beyond Goes A Long Way!

The Early Days of the Internet and Fishing in the Right pond for the Wrong Fish

T.R.A.F.F.I.C. Fall 2013 Series  – Article 1  Article 2   Article 3

Google Keyword Planner – What you need to know

Domaining at Fenway Park

Using Google Adsense

Working That Domain Name with Radio and Improves Again

Getting Around and

Buying and Selling Domains is Big Business!

Newbies Learn this First! – Don’t get taken by the old appraisal scam!

Domain Auctions – The Good, The Bad and the Ugly

Some Domaining Pet Peeves

Some Tips On How To Be A Better Seller Using – A nice an aged domain name that could be put to use by one of many companies operating under the Darcy Co name.

Buying and Selling Domains is Big Business!

Domains are big business and are about to get even bigger!

Unless you live under a rock, I’m sure you know what a domain name is by now, but did you ever think about how big a business domains actually are? Everywhere you go, you see domains. Whether it’s a movie preview, a television commercial or a roadside billboard, somebody is advertising a product or service and touting their domains to get the best bang for their buck. The majority of magazines, television and radio stations and other news media are all on-line and have their own domains. Most of the retail stores, food chains and many other small businesses are also on-line using their own domains. Many municipalities, educational facilities and other government agencies are all on-line and all utilize there own domains. Are you getting the picture. Domains aren’t free (although they once were early on) and as I write this article, there are over an astonishing 225 million domains worldwide and that number continues to grow rapidly. Keep in mind, there are also approximately 2.5 billion people using the internet for commercial, educational, social, and cultural purposes.

Imagine if domains had not expired and been deleted over the years. Data from late 2011 suggests that a staggering 328,456,608 .com domains have been deleted since the Top Level Domain (TLD) was first created along with 36,196,098 .net domains and these numbers are much bigger today. Actually, domains which expire are added to the deleted column and removed from the active, but are available for re-registration immediately. So the deleted column is a cumulative total over the decades.

Anyway, with these kinds of numbers, it is easy to understand why domains can be valuable. Take some time to watch this next video to understand why more and more people are buying and selling domains.


Another way to gain an understanding on how big the domain name market is to visit DNJournal, which publishes the top known domain name sales on a weekly basis. This is the easiest way to see that domains are big business and when I show the average Joe this, they are typically blown away. Don’t get me wrong, while domains are big business, it is not easy and like anything else, success requires a lot of hard work, a bit of education and research and perhaps some luck too. If you are considering getting started in this business, I urge you to do your homework first! The great majority of folks who dive into this business headfirst, give a lot of money away and never really see a return on their investment. Educate yourself and take the time to see what others have done before you. Formulate relationships and learn something new every day!

As you can probably now understand, vying for domain name space in this virtual real estate market has become increasingly difficult at a cost-effective level for new businesses, entrepreneurs, and even individuals. To break out from the limited space provided by current TLD extensions, ICANN (The Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) – a private sector, non-profit corporation created in 1998 to assume responsibility for Internet Protocol address spaces) has begun the process of releasing over 1,000 new extensions, which will quickly multiply the number of existing domains. By adding to the internet’s list of extensions, ICANN intends not only to allow more domains, but intends to create a safer, more efficient internet that has instant significance of a website’s content in regards to its extension.


The next stage in the Internet’s revolution is upon us, with new domain name extensions (right of the dot) such as .bank .shop .music .nyc .money .hotel .sport .love .web .gay .real .horse .free .california .skate .eco .paris .wine and many more are expected to be available in early 2013. Many say this will only make .coms more valuable and I tend to agree with that, especially since the general public isn’t even really aware that these new internet destinations are being created. One thing is for sure, like myself, there are many domainers (people that buy and sell domains) that are anxious to see what happens as these new changes are rolled out. Regardless of the outcome, there will be a lot of money exchanging hands, only making the domains business even bigger!


Domains – Let’s face it, if you own a home you have a tarp. They even make tarping machines for big trucks and the like…Get in on this big business and start a lead generation site! – A perfect name to start an internet mall with stores from all over the world. This name is bound to make some money! – Quite the saying..hopefully something you’ve never heard before. But if you have, get even by buying this name and creating a website to express your feelings! – Let’s face it folks, legalization is getting closer and closer in the United States. When that happens, this name is poised to be known in the industry! Could also be a weekly blog about buds (of any kind) blooming in different parts of the world. Get it while you can… – Legalization is getting closer and closer in the US, making this a pretty good investment for a future payoff. Act now before you miss out! – Great call to action domain name that is aged and perfect for any towing company or for somebody who would like to make an internet presence with a towing request directory site. Either way, lots of money to be made with this name…don’t delay! – Oil is a big commodity and there are people looking to price oil each and every day. Needless to say, there is some money to be made with this memorable and aged domain name!

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